It’s wonderful that you’re reading this blog, we would like to cheer you on installing a Solar Power plant. Are you wondering ‘What’s next?’ Worry not, we got you covered. Source Installation of a Solar power plant is a 25 years investment, which sounds very easy when it comes to Return on Investments as the […]
Read MorePlanet Earth is blessed with an abundant source of Solar Energy, and its impact on the environment in order to attain carbon neutral/negative energy sources through Solar Power plants is paramount. A lot of people these days are buying solar power plants while understanding the concepts of generating free electricity and having a positive impact […]
Read MoreThere is a lot of talk around the integration of Renewable Energy and AI in recent days, and seemingly there are many use cases available in the market on the same. Let’s understand more about ‘What is AI?’ The concept of artificial intelligence was developed almost simultaneously with the development of computer science. From the […]
Read MoreWe all had that childhood, where we had calculators which we used to keep in the sunshine as we were told its battery will get charged when you’ll put it in the sunlight. At that time hardly we knew that there was a solar cell because of which it was charging. Refer to the below […]
Read MoreWhat Are Printable Solar Panels? The future of solar energy depends on the fusion of old and new technologies. If photovoltaic (PV) devices that convert light into electricity could be mass-produced in printing presses like newspapers and banknotes, they would be affordable and ubiquitous. Traditional silicon-based solar panels are stiff and bulky. Small, thin and […]
Read MoreThe Solar Farm, What Does It Means? A solar farm, also known as a How Waaree RTLphotovoltaic (PV) power plant, is a large solar array that converts sunlight into energy that feeds the power grid. Many of these large arrays are owned by utility companies and offer the additional advantage that the utility company supplies […]
Read MoreThere are a lot of talks about Solar power plants these days and one of the most asked questions from the end users is ‘how many solar panels do I need to generate XYZ KWh/MWh per month.’ _* ? = XYZ KWh/MWh It is paramount to understand three crucial factors while answering this, first is […]
Read MoreWith the right push to EVs across the globe, installing solar PV panels on your roof becomes more relevant, which empowers the end user to reduce the running costs of their EVs to even ZERO. Brief Overview If you drive or plan to own an electric vehicle (EV), chances are you're considering installing an EV charging […]
Read MoreSolar Panels efficiency is highly relative to the temperature of the site where it is operational. As experts say, solar PV panel efficiency decreases with increased temperature and its production results are best when it is installed in cooler areas given abundant direct sunlight is falling on them. For the Bifacial PV module, more than […]
Read MoreThe concept to install Solar powered Greenhouses has gained popularity in recent times, due to the rising concerns about occupying cultivable lands to develop solar power projects. One such similar concept is Agrivoltaic. Also, with the objective to increase farmers' income. A Greenhouse With Semitransparent PV Modules Shows Energy Fluxes Greenhouses allow year-round farming. However, […]
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